"Each Euro helps us in continuing to be a place for living and laughing, dying and mourning. Therefore, we would like to thank all the participants who have made this donation amount possible", said a delighted Lisa-Marie Vetter of the children's and young adults' hospice Balthasar.
During the visit, the iesy staff could also get an impression of the possibilities for children and young people and their relatives at the hospice. Michelle Galensa, Marketing Assistant at iesy, was visibly impressed: "Until the last phase of their children's life and their lives, the families are relieved of quite a few burdens by the employees of the hospice. Families can relax, gather energy and look ahead more powerful. We would like to support this with our donation." The health insurance and care funds only pay a small part of the costs of the hospice, the rest must be financed through donations.
The iesy team would like to thank all participants of the »iesy advent calendar«.