- BCM1.STR BeagleCore™ module
BeagleCore™ BCM1.STR is an industrial module featuring the key functionalities of BeagleBone Black. It is entirely designed for open source hardware and only measures 48mm x 31mm. The BeagleCore™ BCM1.STR is fully software compatible with BeagleBone Black and operates within the standard temperature range of 0 to 60°C.
- BCM1.ETR BeagleCore™ module
BeagleCore™ BCM1.ETR is an industrial module featuring the key functionalities of BeagleBone Black. It is entirely designed for open source hardware. The BeagleCore™ BCM1.ETR is particularly suited for rugged environments. It offers all aspects of the BCM1 module but operates within the extended temperature range of -40 °C to +85 °C.
- BCS1.STR BeagleCore™ module
The BeagleCore™ BCS1 starter kit comprises the BeagleCore™ BCM1 module plus a matching baseboard onto which the module is soldered. In terms of size and functionality, the BeagleCore™ baseboard corresponds to the BeagleBone Black and is fully software compatible.