BIOS & boot loader
BIOS & Bootloader
For a perfect start
Embedded systems require software that is perfectly tuned to hardware. iesy has longstanding experience in the development and adaptation of BIOS and boot loaders for embedded computing solutions. If required, we can make project-specific adaptations, add or delete additional function blocks, or configure customer-specific parameters.
Would you like your logo to be displayed during boot process? Or would you like your system to boot up faster, activate certain hardware features or run more efficiently? With specially adapted firmware (BIOS/UEFI) we can achieve all of this and more while maintaining optimal and reliable operation of your embedded hardware at the same time. Together with our partners congatec and Kontron, we offer numerous individual customization options for BIOS & UEFI.
Boot loader
Many embedded systems make use of the advantages of bootloaders, such as Uboot, to configure peripherals and memory or to load the kernel of an operating system. We adapt boot loaders to meet specific projects' needs, such as enabling configuration via LAN, USB or microSD. Or to activate or deactivate certain hardware features.
For Linux, we develop special board support packages (BSP) with modified kernel, specific drivers, own boot loaders or customized start screens as well as many other custom features. With our vast experience in embedded linux we are experts when it comes to creating individual BSPs for a wide variety of computer architectures, such as x86 or ARM.
Micro controller
The programming of micro controllers, for example from Atmel, Texas Instruments or Infineon, requires a profound understanding of electrical engineering. Our experts implement embedded solutions based on interrupts, bit-banging or pulse width modulation (PWM) and have many years of experience in the programming of 8 - 32bit micro controllers.