Phone support
Phone support
Your direct link to us
Do you have technical questions that require support? Our support team is looking forward to your call. We actively support you in solving problems and are at your service with our entire experience and expertise in the field of embedded computing. Please use the opportunity to contact our support by email or by filling in the contact form off-hours.
If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call our support-team.
For technical issues that require additional materials (photos, PDFs, etc.) as well as in case of outside of office hours, you can reach out to us via email. This allows us to easily target your messages and attached documents and keep track of the history of issues if required.
For calls please use this number:
+49 (2354) 70655 0
Or send us an email to:
For quicker processing, it is helpful if you provide us with the following information:
- serial number of the device
- exact model designation
- currently used firmware-version
- detailed error description
Our support-times:
Monday - Friday
08:30am - 05:00pm
Please understand that on public holidays and weekends, our support is not available.
In some cases it may be neccessary for our support team to directly access your system. We rely on TeamViewer in most cases, which you can download for all major operating systems for free here: