- The OWL Electronics Forum
The OWL Electronics Forum is an open network of companies from the electronics industry in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region and beyond. Founded in 2011, it aims at intensifying the exchange of information between mid-sized businesses in that region. The network partners mutually support each other in the research and marketing of innovative products and technologies.
- EtherCAT Group
The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) is based in Nuremberg. Home to around 3,000 member companies, it is the world’s largest industrial Ethernet user organization. The organization's goal is to support companies in the implementation and use of EtherCAT network architectures as well as the ongoing development of "Open Technology" based on EtherCAT technologies.
- IoTA - Internet of Things Alliance
IoTA is a consortium of organizations pursuing a common goal: The developmment of practice-orientated Internet of Things solutions for the industry based on open standards. It is IoTA’s task to bring together potential customers and suppliers, to inform and offer support as well as to advise and contribute to the development of standards.
- nrw.uniTS
This network is the organizational hub for all players in IT security in NRW, focussing on the promotion of cooperation between science, business and multipliers. Featuring expertise on a broad range, nrw.uniTS provides direct access to potential business partners, develops markets and promotes technologies as well as product innovations.
The Federal Association of the German Security and Defense Industry (BDSV e.V.) represents the interests of the German security and defense industry. The aim of the association is to maintain and intensify the competitiveness and future viability of the German security and defense industry. With their competencies, the member companies actively support the BDSV e.V. in achieving its goals.
- SGET e.V.
SGET e.V. The Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies e.V. (SGET), based in Munich, defines, develops and publishes standards for Embedded Computing. The association’s management aims at implementing a non-bureaucratic, quick and simplified procedure for the adoption of industry-specific standards. So far, it has published the following hardware standards: SMARC, Qseven and embedded NUC.
- Technologies for Children Association
“Fascination through hands-on experience” is the motto of this association: Children and youths are introduced to technologies and their fascination is kindled by encouraging them to experiment for themselves. It is one step further towards developing young talents, opposing the shortage of specialists prevalent in Germany, securing our innovative potential and ultimately, the economic future of Germany.
- Oben an der Volme
"Oben an der Volme" connects the five municipalities of Halver, Herscheid, Kierspe, Meinerzhagen and Schalksmühle. It is centrally located in the south of NRW and offers a strong economy and a well-developed education network. Oben an der Volme is part of the economically strong industrial and technology location of South Westphalia. The association combines the region's strengths in terms of economy, leisure, living and infrastructure.