Point of Sale
- Point of Sale terminals Hardware for kiosk and information terminals
Technologies are increasingly impacting all areas of life, particularly in the service industry. At the airport you find check-in terminals to avoid queues; we have stopped going to the bank for cash ever since cash machines were introduced and even at gas stations you find interactive fuel pumps. Leading global companies rely on embedded computing systems from iesy for their Point of Sale products.
- Ticketing Solutions for public transport
Embedded systems from iesy are at the core of numerous ticket machines. Point of Sale ticket machines have high technological requirements: high availability, little power consumption, extended temperature range, vibration stability and scalability, to name just a few.
- Gaming Computing systems for gaming machines
Embedded systems with powerful computing are integrated in modern gaming machines. The international gaming and gambling machine market is growing fast. The applications used herein are usually highly intense in graphics. Hardware solutions from iesy come with COM Express modules, featuring Intel® Core™ processors and powerful, 3D accelerated graphics card.
- Multimedia fuel pump Embedded computers and displays
Self-service gas stations have become a very common sight all around the globe. Whoever needs to buy gas has to operate the pump themselves and keep an eye on price and volume. This is all that current fuel pumps can put on display these days. Jointly with a global provider of fuel pumps, iesy has developed an embedded computing system for multimedia pumps.